Program Leaders:
Bob Barth – 201.401.3121;
Chuck Martin – 735.718.1859;
Canal Road Walk and Roll
Canal Road closed from East Millstone to Butler Road. Enjoy [...]
Natural History Paddling Tour
Griggstown Kayak/Canoe dock at the intersection of Canal Road and Griggstown Causeway 1075 Canal Road, Princeton, NJ, United StatesExplore a 2.3-mile section of the canal ecosystem by water [...]
D&R Canal Watch Annual Meeting
Muletenders Barracks, Griggstown Causeway 2 Griggstown Causeway, Princeton, NJ, United StatesMuletenders Barracks, Griggstown Causeway. The speaker will be Marc Brooks, [...]
Blackwells Mills Causeway to Colonial Park
Colonial Park @ Parking Lot F 156 Mettlers Road, Somerset, NJ, United StatesHike 3.2 miles. Starting with the Blackwell Mills bridgetender’s gardens, we will proceed along [...]
Citizen Science/Nature Photography – the “Dragons and Damsels” Walk
Colonial Park @ Parking Lot F 156 Mettlers Road, Somerset, NJ, United StatesA casual 2.4-mile walk from Colonial Park to Weston Canal [...]
Sunset Firefly Walk
John Clyde Native Grasslands Preserve 1092 Canal Road, Princeton, NJ, United StatesJoin us to see and learn about our fireflies at [...]
Rocky Hill to Blackwells Mills Causeway
Blackwells Mills Day Use parking lot on the causewayHike 6.6 miles or choose the 3.1-mile walk to Griggstown. We’ll see [...]
Canal Road Walk and Roll
Griggstown CausewayCanal Road closed from Griggstown Causeway to Route 518 in [...]
Canal Boat Dinner Cruise Fundraiser
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, July 18, 2020 Save the date [...]
Canal Road Walk and Roll
Griggstown CausewayCanal Road closed from Griggstown Causeway to Route 518 in [...]
Canal Road Walk and Roll
Canal Road East Millstone to Butler RoadCanal Road closed from East Millstone to Butler Road. Enjoy [...]
Light Rail Trip, Bordentown to Trenton and Back
Bordentown River Line Light Rail Station W. Park Street and Prince Street, Bordentown, NJ, United StatesJoin Pamela V’Combe for a tour by light rail into [...]